
Feeling The Winter Blahs? Try Switching Up Your Skincare

By the end of January, you’ve probably heard the phrase “New Year, New You” enough to last you until 2017. And, when you think about it, why do you need a “new” you at all? After years of providing salon services to our loyal clients, we think that you’re all wonderful just the way you are. But we also know that wintertime tends to bring on the blahs: Cold, dry air and relentless wind (and maybe some New Year’s overindulgence in champagne) leaves skin feeling dry and looking dull and flaky. It’s hard to feel your best when you don’t look your best!

Instead of pursuing a brand-new you, try a different strategy this year. You don’t have to do anything drastic, but by making a few tweaks to your winter skincare routine with all-natural, organic products from Green City, you can banish common winter skin woes and let the real, beautiful you be seen. No “new” required.

Bar Beleza

This little powerhouse from Me & the Girls is a year-round favorite, but it’s especially good for winter skin issues like dryness, flaky patches, redness and chapped lips. Plus, it’s a truly all-purpose product. Need a gentle cleanser that won’t irritate your skin? How about a lightweight moisturizer that nourishes skin and continues to protect skin from dryness all day? Bar Beleza does both, and also primes and spot-treats skin as-needed. It’ll only take a week to see your skin transform from dull and tired to satiny and radiant.

Annemarie Gianni Skin Care Purifying Mud Mask

As a skincare salon offering clients numerous options to embrace an organic lifestyle, we know better than anyone that nothing heals better than nature itself. That’s why we love Annemarie Gianni’s line of wild-crafted skin products. This mud mask uses rose clay sourced directly from Mother Nature herself to re-mineralize tired, stressed-out skin when it needs a lift. It also acts as a gentle exfoliant, helping you to smooth away patches of rough or flaky skin.

Organic Cotton Squares

Harsh scrubbing is the last thing that sensitive skin needs after exposure to the winter elements. But leaving makeup on won’t help, either, since residue from foundation and other products can clog pores, leading to both acne and dry patches. You can gently but thoroughly cleanse your skin with the help of our Organic Cotton Squares. Each one is made from 100% natural fiber that gently wipes away product without irritating your skin. Plus, they’re perfect for product application too.

Need help revealing the real you? At Green City, we offer the best in facial treatments and sugaring, the natural waxing alternative service that we perform right here in our Philadelphia salon. We can help you discover the change you need no matter the season.