A Sugaring is a form of hair removal that dates back to Ancient Egyptian times. It is a process by which a warmed sugar paste (ours is organic and fair trade) is applied to the desired area of the body and molded several times. As the sugar paste is molded, it adheres to the hair at the follicle. Through a gentle flicking motion, the hair is removed from the root in the natural direction of growth.
A There are several differences between the two forms of hair removal treatments. First, sugaring utilizes a completely different product and technique in the way the paste is applied and removed. The process is sanitary, never hot and gentler on the skin. A fresh ball of sugar is used for each client and kept at room temperature so burning the skin is not a risk. Because our sugar paste is formulated with all-natural, pure, organic ingredients (sugar, water and lemon juice in fact) it’s appropriate for sensitive skin types.
A Sugaring removes the hair directly from the root, so clients will feel the extraction. The first time sugaring is typically more sensitive, as the hair bulb is larger. With repeat treatments, the hair becomes more refined, shrinking the root bulb, and therefore, the sensation is diminished. Most clients indicate that the process is less harsh and abrasive than waxing and liken the feeling to a brief “pinch” that soon subsides.
A Rate of hair growth is usually specific to the individual, however most clients typically find sugaring lasts anywhere between 4 – 6 weeks. For the quickest diminishment of hair growth and speed in completing repeat appointments, hair should not exceed 1/8 to 1/4 inch. For clients sugaring for the first time, hair should be at least 1/2 inch in length. That’s typically 2-3 weeks since a recent shave and 3-4 since a recent wax.
A Direct sun exposure, tanning and topical agents such as AHAs or other skin thinning products, must be avoided for at least 1 week prior to a sugaring treatment. Stimulants such as caffeine should also be avoided. Keeping the skin exfoliated and hydrated is very important; however do not exfoliate the day before, day of, or the day after a sugaring treatment.
A All clients are asked to complete a brief consultation form so that our staff can accurately assess the appropriateness of our services. An esthetician will review any relevant information important to ensuring a safe and effective treatment at the time of the appointment. Our staff is happy to provide helpful information regarding our services so we encourage clients to ask any questions that may arise.
A Sugared skin may be more sensitive immediately following a hair removal service. Avoid creams, lotions, deodorants and products with artificial ingredients such as fragrances, dies or colors. Do not use products with hydroxyl acids for at least 24-48 hours post-treatment as they can cause increased sensitivity. The hair follicles will be open immediately following the sugaring treatment, so clients should keep the area clean and dry and limit exposure to bacteria. Clients are provided with 2 antiseptic towelettes after each appointment. It is recommended to use 1 wipe in the evening before bed on the day the sugaring treatment was performed and 1 wipe the following morning upon waking.
A Accutane affects the whole body and can cause severe dryness, therefore those using it cannot sugar. It is important to be truthful about all medication use so that an esthetician can accurately access the appropriateness of any salon service. Accutane use must be discontinued for at least 6 months before a Sugaring Hair Removal service can be performed. Sorry, we can’t make any exceptions with this one!
A Yes. These products cause thinning and increased shedding of skin cells, therefore increasing sensitivity to many topical procedures and products. It is advised to wait until the initial shedding process has ended after a round of treatment, which is typically about 25 days.